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WARNING: While I provide links and sources for my articles, I will not deny the fact my articles are often opinionated. This is because I am bored of going into the minute details of events. I have come to my world view through years of intense research. I can't possibly remember every fact I have come across. So every article here is written on the basis that a cabal run the money system and seek to further expand and centralize power, that they run the catholic faith and have infiltrated (if not created) many other religions, that they seek a one world fascist totalitarian governance, that they divide us into groups and play us off against one another, that they are behind false flag operations and seek to destroy us. I now know that my life has been subject to the schemes of the élite. I was blind to my enslavement. We call them New World Order because that's all they talk about. The control grid stems into every stratum of life. Don't trust the biased mainstream media, this is the opinionated alternative.

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Thursday, 25 June 2009

The left mostly hasn't a clue about the scale of the conspiracy.

I take the conspiratorial view of history with a pinch of salt, it's not all a conspiracy, but a lot of it is more than accident. Once you catch the 9/11 bug you can find yourself going down deep and dark rabbit holes which will before long lead you into the theories of Tsarion, Icke and others chasing 13 bloodlines back to Egypt and even outter space with the Nphilm... And there is a lot to be learned in this line of research (if you take it with a pinch of salt). As we trace the bavarian Illuminati and the Freemasons back to the crusading Knights Templar and the Temple of Solomon, before long we start to see the relevance of the mystery schools of mesopotamia and ancient Egypt... now resident in the vatican.

And then we hear reports that Ancient Greece and Rome is being withdrawn from the curriculum in EU and US schools. While this might strike us as ridiculous, it is happening. I've gone so far down the rabbit hole I am really not surprised, however, I fully realize how important this news is. While your average semi-conscious left winger might kick up a small fuss, there isn't a thing he can do to stop it. The scale of the conspiracy is so huge that the "people power" actions can only cure the odd symptom... the virus just created a thousand new symptoms. This is why I hold a view of the big picture rather than dedicate myself to small individual issues. I have to take out the virus and fuck the symptoms off. Until we have this mass awakening to the reality of the conspiracy, left-wing style resistance is futile. If you perceive neo-liberal capitalism as the problem (when you're not miss-labeling it "free-trade") I will contend it is merely a symptom. The socialist revolution is not going to happen. And even if it did, it would not necessarily take out the virus of corruption.

While no-one can really deny that people conspire and that politicians are corrupt, who realizes the old boy club style networks cross over into pretty much every game in town? You can research all the members of the Bilderberg group and you won't have begun to realize the scale of the conspiracy. For instance, the vatican is not present at Bilderberg yet they are very much a part of the new world order conspiracy. There are old boys involved in corporate resource confiscating in Africa, and they are not on the Bilderberg list. Another harsh reality for the left is the increase in opposition to corporations by the masses.

All you red revolutionaries, let's be a little rational for fuck's sake, do you actually know what this "neo-liberal capitalism" is? Do you understand the fiat monetary system? I know you don't and you should prove you do before overthrowing it and creating a new society. And to go much further... do you actually believe we can have power structures that are immune to corruption? Of course you can't! Bureaucracy power structures and corruption go hand in hand and we know this. And a socialist power structure of the people is not immune either. I don't trust any collective force. Now let's get down to business... Let's take out the controlled monetary system. A return to a commodity money that the government has no control over. Let's end the EU and the UN. Let's stop Codex Alimentarius. Our education and mainstream media is brainwashing kids growing up all around the world and we need an alternative. Let's do all these things... but let's wake the fuck up to the New World Order first. Let's bring down the power structure, forget about neo-liberalism and other distractions.

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