Iranian opposition leader Mousavi "close friend" of CIA/Mossad
Proclaimed leader of the opposition party in Iran, former president and Islamic Revolutionary Mir-Hossein Mousavi, was a close friend of a CIA/Mossad double agent and arms dealer during the Iran Contra (The Ultimate Guide). The story quotes the Walsh Report (Chapters 1,8,15) detailing communications between Mousavi and CIA informant Ghorbanifar and US neo-liberal Michael Ledeen. Quoted also is the 1987 Time Magazine article which highlights Mousavis friendship with Ghorbanifar.
The western mainstream media have recently made a Mousavi out to be the figurehead of the civil unrest (ahem, "green revolution") to the point that Wikipedia aleged his campaign colour has become the symbol of the opposition. Though Wikipedia will also tell you that green is just "the traditional colour of Islam".
Though it may not surprise some that, as reported in Socialist Worker Ireland and on the World Socialist Web Site, Mousavi is a neo-liberal and this may be why the corporate media in the west is so happy to propagandise the guy.