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WARNING: While I provide links and sources for my articles, I will not deny the fact my articles are often opinionated. This is because I am bored of going into the minute details of events. I have come to my world view through years of intense research. I can't possibly remember every fact I have come across. So every article here is written on the basis that a cabal run the money system and seek to further expand and centralize power, that they run the catholic faith and have infiltrated (if not created) many other religions, that they seek a one world fascist totalitarian governance, that they divide us into groups and play us off against one another, that they are behind false flag operations and seek to destroy us. I now know that my life has been subject to the schemes of the élite. I was blind to my enslavement. We call them New World Order because that's all they talk about. The control grid stems into every stratum of life. Don't trust the biased mainstream media, this is the opinionated alternative.

© 2009 Twist, TwistBeats. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

IRAN - CIA coup attempt?

Retired Iranian army General Beig announced he has documents proving the CIA distributed $400 million throughout Iran to fund a revolution. It goes without saying that the CIA and the re-elected president of Iran clearly stand on opposing sides. Could it be, the protests and the corporate media show are CIA operations? We saw the same in Georgia and Ukraine and we're seeing the same old trick in Iran. And as usual, the lapdog corporate controlled western media jumps on board and all of a sudden we're supposed to sympathize with a protest group. Yet how much media attention was given to the Tamil Tigers in Parliament square? The Gaza protests? The G20? Nato? Bilderberg? The New Scotland Yard Protests? They're clearly not as establishment pleasing as revolutions in countries resisting the new world order. I for one will not show any solidarity with the US backed protest groups hogging airtime and newspaper space.

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