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WARNING: While I provide links and sources for my articles, I will not deny the fact my articles are often opinionated. This is because I am bored of going into the minute details of events. I have come to my world view through years of intense research. I can't possibly remember every fact I have come across. So every article here is written on the basis that a cabal run the money system and seek to further expand and centralize power, that they run the catholic faith and have infiltrated (if not created) many other religions, that they seek a one world fascist totalitarian governance, that they divide us into groups and play us off against one another, that they are behind false flag operations and seek to destroy us. I now know that my life has been subject to the schemes of the élite. I was blind to my enslavement. We call them New World Order because that's all they talk about. The control grid stems into every stratum of life. Don't trust the biased mainstream media, this is the opinionated alternative.

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Thursday, 27 August 2009



We Are Change London, London Truth Action and Stop The War Coalition Hounslow are organising a protest at the BBC Television Centre in London to demand coverage of the peer-reviewed nano-thermite paper and the concerns of over 750 architects and engineers regarding the 9/11 World Trade Centre attacks.

ON April 3 2009 a peer reviewed scientific paper co-authored by Dr Neils Haritt (Professor of Chemistry at Copenhagen University) was published in the Open Chemical Physics Journal. This paper proves the presence of military grade unreacted explosive material, nano-thermite, in dust samples taken from ground zero. This coupled with the numerous contradictions in the 9/11 Commission Report and subsequent NIST reports highlights the evident probability that World Trade Center buildings 1, 2 and 7 were brought down via controlled demolition.

As the events of 9/11 are responsible for a Global War on Terror, which has been used to justify illegal imperialistic foreign policy and the implementation of Orwellian laws and practises domestically, the significance of this paper is of the utmost importance. Two Mainstream Media (Danish Media TVNEWS2 and Russia TV) have covered this controversial discovery. We call upon Western Mainstream Media to follow suit.

WeAreChange London in collaboration with London Truth Action and Stop the War Hounslow will be holding a demonstration outside the BBC Television Centre on September 11th 2009. The purpose of this event is to pressurise the BBC to report on this paper, and thus by extension the evident probability of complicity by the US establishment regarding the events of September 11th 2001.

Event details
Time: 12 noon onwards (all day event) on September 11 2009
Location: Outside BBC Television Centre, Wood Lane, London W12 7RJ
Organisers: WeAreChange London (
London Truth Action (


For press related queries please email

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